
新品发布 | Yumumu


SS20 New Collection


'I just want the Yumumu woman to feel really easy in the clothes while maintaing a very contemporary attitude with her natural grace.'

—— Yilin Lu, Founder of Yumumu

Yumumu新系列「序幕」,秉持了设计师Yilin Lu一贯严谨的设计态度以及她对当代女性实际着衣需求的系统思考。 



实用性的穿搭也是必备的要素。这体现在「序幕」中的每一款下装 [裤子/半裙] 都可完美搭配本系列的多款上衣,为穿着者提供了多种造型的可能性。不仅如此,未来Yumumu的每一季都将包含能与往季款式相搭配的单品。





2020.05.17 本周日晚8时
我们特别邀请Yumumu创始人Yilin Lu
来到XINLELU Live直播间


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曾经主修并从事多年艺术工作的新加坡设计师Yilin Lu,凭借着对服装的热情和强烈求知欲,自学打版以及缝纫工艺。因此,她的设计过程往往运用多种创作方式进行表达。

在过去的20年中,她在伦敦、新加坡、上海三地的生活经历,更给予了她多元化的审美观也引发出更高维度的思考。三个城市的文化探索激发她不断变换视角,继而诞生出Yumumu要讲述的故事: 在日渐趋同的现代生活中,如何发掘人类原始的本能和感性。这便是Yilin作为创作者最大目的。

/Q & A/

[这一段对话有些长,但推荐大家静下心来仔细读一读。Yilin的才华不仅在于视觉创作,对于文字的运用同样令人惊叹!We are such BIG FANS of her!]

- Who is the Yumumu woman?

A city dweller, lover of nature and world cultures, someone who is unabashedly feminine in a very modern way. 

The Yumumu I started years ago was more much more quirky. Now it’s matured together with me and taken on a slightly different attitude. The styles for work are more structured and the ones for leisure are more laidback and sensual. The Yumumu woman knows who she is and what she stands for and I hope it shows through in the clothes. Effortlessly stylish but impeccably chic without losing her essential character. Our signature tailoring and lines are still there, with a more refined attention to details and textures.  I hope the muse we create is someone our customers can relate to, not just admire.

She is the woman you meet at your morning run, with an attitude so sharp that you couldn’t miss her from a mile away; the woman who warmed your day up with her smile as you picked up your coffee at the café; the woman at work, whose presentation carried so much confidence that you stood in awe at the breadth of her imagination; the woman at dinner, whose seductive wit left everyone wanting for more; the woman who gazes back at you when you look into the mirror in the evening, echoing a simple “Hi!”; the woman who leaves you inspired and just a little more curious about the world. In short, she is every woman you have ever been or wish to become.

- Who/ What inspires you? 

I was trained as a Fine Artist at university and that defined a lot the way I approach my design and all my creative pursuits. I was also an art teacher for many years before becoming a fashion designer.  My sensibilities were of course, developed when I was very little. My mom saw my talent right away from a drawing of monkeys climbing trees which I did at the age of three. My preoccupation with it has not stopped since. I’m constantly drawing, making things and going to art shows. I read a lot of Art history because it says so much about life through the ages.  Art has always been a part of my life so much so that I never really needed to think about it but I know for a fact that I could never live without it. I also love looking at interior designs because it’s about building an atmosphere before building a collection. Anyone can design details on a clothing item but not many people can establish an attitude. I usually start by defining a mood. I find it a lot more liberating than looking at fashion magazines.

- What’s behind the brand’s name 'Yumumu'?

It comes from the breakdown of the character in my Chinese name “霖”. Beyond that, I love the simple and primordial rhythm in both its pinyin and meaning (rain, wood, wood), making it both cross-cultural and poetic in its natural element. Yumumu is a collection of my personal experiences. I will like to celebrate the unanimity of a modern living experience amidst different cultural backdrops.
- How do you feel you have grown as a designer so far?

I spent nearly 10 years picking up much of the technical aspects of fashion…every single engineering pattern and fabric goes through my hands so I’m inherently really in touch with the working process and that has made me a much better designer…but I don’t wish to get too caught up with the form of the clothes at this moment, it’s really the attitude of the woman I’m trying to convey more than anything else. And I wish for the clothes to speak for themselves. As a creative, I don’t want the significance of the clothes to be too literal in any way…the creation has a life of its own and it really is up to the customers’ interpretation and experience. That’s what makes it exciting for me.

' Yilin是我非常钦佩的一位创作者,她才华横溢又自觉审慎。虽然并不热衷社交,却依然勤于观察,才能设计出具有当代感的经典服饰,适合每一个在大都市里生活的女子。因而,与XINLELU契合度非常高。最终决定全系列引进Yumumu的全新系列。希望你们也会在穿着Yumumu的过程中,感受到这份自信自在。'

—— Yilei, XINLELU主理人

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每日 12.00 - 20.00

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